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熱工学(含 乾燥技術)



石炭/固体廃棄物/RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)/ガス化

熱工学(含 乾燥技術

Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Liquid-Solid Swirl Fluidized Bed Using Centrifugal Force (2000)

The Heat Transfer Performance of a Gas-solid Contactor with Regularly Arranged Baffle Plate (1998)  [41]

Operating Behaviour and Crystallization Mechanism of a Sodium Sulphate-Sodium  Phosphate Mixture in a Heat Storage (1986)  [13]/相変化利用蓄熱

流動層を利用した固体の熱分解反応装置 (1971)  [5]

マッハ・ツェンダー干渉計による焔の温度分布の測定 (1968)  [2]

結晶転移に対する伝熱効果 (1965)  [1]


超音波照射による伝熱面へのスケール析出防止 (2004)  [83]

Crystallization Fouling of Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate on Heat-Transfer Surfaces (1996)  [35]

伝熱面への硫酸カルシウムスケールの析出機構と粒子混入による機械的洗浄 (1994)  [28]

回転円筒法による硫酸カルシウムスケールの特性評価 (1994)  [27]


Drying Characteristics in Superheated Steam Drying at Reduced Pressure (2005)  [95]

Effect of Fluidizing Particle on Drying Characteristics of Porous Material in Fluidized Bed (2002)  [70]/流動層乾燥

Effects of Operational Conditions on Drying Characterestics in Closed Superheated Steam Drying (2001) [69]/過熱蒸気乾燥

熱変性による硬化層が乾燥特性に与える影響 (1999)  [51]RDFの乾燥

一般廃棄物の乾燥特性に及ぼすCaO添加の影響 (1999)

Effects of Surface Resistances on Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Solids with Phase Change (1974)  [6]/流動層乾燥

多孔質固体の乾燥速度に関する一考察 (1971)  [4]

相変化を伴う多孔質固体内の熱と物質の同時移動 (1968)   [3]

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発塵を伴う移動層における粉塵捕集特性 (2003)  [76]

Simulation of Gas and Particle Behaviors in a Moving-Fluidized Bed with Inclined Baffle Plates by Two-Fluid Model (1999)  [53]

Flow Properties of Moving- Fluidized Bed with Inclined Baffle Plates (1998)
The Heat Transfer Performance of a Gas-solid Contactor with Regularly Arranged Baffle Plate (1998)  [41]

傾斜板内挿型固気接触装置の流動特性 (1994)  [31]

バッフル内挿型粉粒体流下分散式固気接触装置の流動特性 (1994)  [30]

An Experimental Investigation of Minimum Fluidization Velocity at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures (1985)  [12]/流動化開始速度

スラッギング流動層の流動特性 (1976)  [7]

流動層を利用した固体の熱分解反応装置 (1971)  [5]


Effects of Packed Structure and Liquid Properties on Liquid Flow Behavior in Lower Part of Blast Furnace (2005)  [96]

Effect of Packed Structure on Liquid Flow Behavior in Packed Bed Biofilter (2004)  [81]

Reduction of Channeling Liquid Flow in Trickle Bed Using Non-Uniformly Packed Structure (2002)  [71]

Analysis of Liquid Distribution in  Non-Uniformly Packed Trickle Bed  with Single Phase Flow (2001)  [68]

Effect of Packed Structure on Flow Behavior in a Trickle Bed Biofilter (2001)  [67]

Effects of Packed Structure and Liquid Physical Properties on Liquid  Flow Behaviors in Trickle Bed (2001)  [66]

Effect of Orientation of Packing Structure on Liquid Flow Distribution in Trickle Bed (2000)  [61]

Liquid Flow Rate Distribution in Trickle Bed with Non-uniformly Packed Structure (2000)  [57]

気液上昇並流充填層内の半径方向液混合 (1981)  [10]

気液上昇並流充填層内の伝熱 (1981)  [9]


多孔板付ドラフトチューブを備えた気泡塔の流動特性 (2006)  [103]

Liquid Circulation Flow in Rectangular Airlift Bubble Column (2005)  [97]

Development of a Bubble Column with a Gas-Liquid Simultaneous Injection Nozzle and a Downcomer for the Ozone Oxidation Method (2004)  [87]

Dissolved Oxygen Distribution in a Rectangular Bubble Column for Biological Nitrogen Removal (2004)  [86]

Effects of Particle Properties on Decomposition Performance in Ultrasonic Airlift Reactor (2004)  [80] エアリフト式超音波反応器

泡沫生成挙動に及ぼす装置因子の影響 (2003)  [75]

Effect of Liquid Height on Flow Characteristics in Bubble Column Using Highly Viscous Liquid (2003)  [73]/高粘性液の影響

気泡塔の流動特性に及ぼす油分分散の影響 (2001)  [65}

排水中の難分解性物質処理に適したエアリフト式超音波反応器の開発 (2001)  [64]

Development of Bubble Column for Foam Separation (2000)  [62]/泡沫分離

油分含有排水処理に適した気泡塔の開発 (2000)

Effects of Equipment Dimensions on Circulation Flow Rates of Liquid and Gas in Bubble Column with Draft Tube (2000)  [59]/ドラフトチューブ付気泡塔

Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Liquid-Solid Swirl Fluidized Bed Using Centrifugal Force (2000)  [58]/液系旋回流動層

Wastewater Treatment by Anaerobic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Method in Bubble Column with Draft Tube (1999)  [52]/排水処理

液より低密度の粒子を用いた固液二相流の流動挙動 (1998)

多段仕切り縦型攪拌槽反応器内の液の逆流 (1989)  [15]

多孔板仕切り3相流動層反応器の流動特性 (1978)  [8]

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Comminution and Ash Reduction of Coal Particles (1990)  [18]/選択粉砕,石炭の脱灰

フライアッシュの粉体としての諸特性 (1989)  [17]

長い円柱の2次元充填構造 (1985)  [11]


Formation of Gradient Composites Using the Infiltration Mechanism of Chloride Reduced Particles (1995)  [32]

塩化物の還元反応を利用した気相浸透法による傾斜組成体の作製 (1994)  [29]

Formation of Gradient Composites by Using the Infiltration Mechanism of Chloride Reduced Particles (1993)

空隙率分布を連続的に変化させた多孔体の作製法 (1993)  [25]

湿式ろ過を用いた2成分系材料の傾斜充填 (1992)

塩化物の水素還元による金属・セラミックス傾斜充てん体の作製 (1992)  [22]

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コンクリート受熱板による太陽熱海水淡水化装置の開発 (1996)  [34]

Study on Solar Still Using Concrete Slab as Solar Collector (1996)  [33]

メッシュウィック内の飽和および不飽和流れ (1993)

Breeding Type Inland Marine Oasis Solartopia (1992)  [21]

Studies of Desalting Solar Stills (1991)  [20]

Surface Evaporation of Liquid Flowing Down over an Inclined Groove (1991)  [19]

Development and Application of a Roof Type Solar Still (1989)  [16]

Laboratory Test of Solar Distillator with a Heat Penetrating Plate Having a Bend (1987)  [14]


W/Oエマルション形成過程における重油の物性変化 (1998)  [45]


シリカゲルシードへケイ酸の析出速度に及ぼすpHおよび温度の影響 (2001)  [63]

水晶振動子微量天秤を用いた地熱水から金属表面へのシリカ析出質量の経時変化の測定 (2000)  [55]

シリカゲル流動化粒子を用いた過飽和ケイ酸の除去実験について (2000)

Field Tests on Silica Removal from Geothermal Brines in Sumikawa and Onuma Geothermal Areas (1999)  [50]

シリカゲルシード添加法による地熱水からのシリカ除去に及ぼす溶存塩の影響 (1998)  [44]

シリカゲルシード添加法による地熱水からのシリカ除去に及ぼすpHおよび操作条件の影響 (1998)  [42]

Effect of Aluminium Ion on Silica Removal from Geothermal Brine by Seeding Method Using Silica Gel (1998)  [40]

シリカゲルシード添加法によるモデル地熱水からのシリカ除去に及ぼすシード特性の影響 (1998)  [39]

Removal of Silica from Geothermal Brine by Seeding Method Using Silica Gel (1998)  [38]
 塩溶液中の溶解性シリカの平衡濃度について (1998)  [37]


石炭/固体廃棄物/RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)/ガス化

The Pyrolysis Characteristics of Each Component in Municipal Solid Waste and Thermal Degradation of its Gas (2005)  [93]

セラミックフィルタによるポリスチレン熱分解ガス中の炭化水素成分の捕集・再生特性 (2003)  [79]

循環流動層型ガス化炉における都市ごみガス化 (2003) [74]

熱変性による硬化層が乾燥特性に与える影響 (1999)  [51]RDFの乾燥

Effect of CaO Addition on Rotted Material (1999)  [49]RDFの腐敗防止

一般廃棄物の乾燥特性に及ぼすCaO添加の影響 (1999)  [47]RDFの乾燥

Rotting Prevention by Added CaO in RDF Production (1998)  [43]RDFの腐敗防止

Comminution and Ash Reduction of Coal Particles (1990)  [18]/石炭の脱灰,選択粉砕

フライアッシュの粉体としての諸特性 (1989)  [17]



Development of Rectangular Airlift Bubble Column Installed with Contact Material for Enhancement of Nitrogen Removal (2004)  [89]

Enhancement of Nitrogen Removal in Rectangular Airlift Bubble Column Having Aerobic and Anaerobic Regions by Adding Immobilizing Carrier (2004)  [82]

Wastewater Treatment by Anaerobic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Method in Bubble Column with Draft Tube (1999)  [52]


超音波による多孔性物質からの有機塩素化合物の除去 (2006)  [102]

Effects of Operation Conditions on Performance of Concentrator Using Ultrasonic Atomization (2006)  [100]

Effect of Ultrasonic Irradiation on Solvent Cleaning for Parts Impregnated with Chlorinated Organic Compounds (2006)

Development of Small Ultrasonic Reactor for On-site Treatment of Wastewater Including Chlorinated Hydrocarbon (2006)  [98]

Analysis of Concentration Characteristics in Ultrasonic Atomization by Droplet Diameter Distribution (2005)  [92]

The Effects of the Solute Properties in Aqueous Solutions on the Separation Characteristics in Ultrasonic Atomization (2004)  [91]

The Effect of Operational Condition on the Contribution of Evaporation in Ultrasonic Atomization (2004)

Development of a Rectangular Sonoreactor Combined with Sparging Ozone (2004)  [88]

Effect of Dual Frequency on Sonochemical Reaction Rates (2004)

Generation and Consumption Rates of OH Radicals in Sonochemical Reactions (2004)  [84]

超音波照射による伝熱面へのスケール析出防止 (2004)  [83]

Effects of Particle Properties on Decomposition Performance in Ultrasonic Airlift Reactor (2004)  [80]

Effect of Carrier Gas Condition on Concentration of Alcohol Aqueous Solution by Ultrasonic Atomization (2003) 

Decomposition of p-Chlorophenol in Aqueous Solution by Combination of Ultrasound and Ultraviolet Light (2003)  [77]

Ultrasonic Decomposition of a Mixture of Phenol and p-Chlorophenol in Aqueous Solution (2002)  [72]

排水中の難分解性物質処理に適したエアリフト式超音波反応器の開発 (2001)  [64]

超音波照射による水溶液中有機物の分解速度に及ぼす液混合効果 (2000)  [56]

Effect of Liquid Mixing on Performance of Porphyrin Decomposition by Ultrasonic Irradiation (1999)  [48]


Hydrogen Fermentation by Using Heat-Shocked Granular Sludge (2006)  [101]

Enhancement in Biodegradability of Excess Sludge by Using a Centrifugal Vibration Mill (2005)  [94]

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